Carpet Cleaning Service |
Price From |
Price Max |
🏠 3+ Rooms Carpet Cleaning | $229 | $249 |
🏠 3+ Rooms + Hallway | $229 | $269 |
🏠 2 Rooms + Hallway | $189 | $219 |
🛡️ Top Carpet Shield | included | included |
✨ 14-day Satisfaction Guarantee | included | included |
*Rates are subject to a minimum job value requirement depending on your location. Our team will advise you via email or phone call.
**Specialised stain removal or removal of bodily fluids may incur an additional charge. Subject to condition on inspection.
***Unfortunately, not all carpet stains can be removed. In rare cases, the carpet stain could have penetrated too deep into the fabric for our cleaning solution to be effective.